

5G Bing is an Internet grimoire that compiles wayward and extravagant ideas, writing, aesthetics, and cultural criticism. Part magazine, mood board, PR campaign, journal, research dossier, and archive, 5G Bing is a growing network of collaborations and conversations that have been jointly enabled by digital and curatorial technologies.

5G Bing accrues from and further annotates seven years of discursive projects by Wong Binghao (Bing) that locate the stakes of the curatorial in non-exhibitionary forms, including but not limited to essays, publications and editorial work, digital, public, research, and educational programs, creative direction, performance and live events, and international exchange.

5G Bing retrospects and ramifies a practice, and in so doing arrays a self.

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This project is made possible by M Art Foundation.

Wong Binghao (Bing) approaches art essayistically, through practice, research, and lived experience. They work with artists, thinkers, and institutions to create discursive curatorial projects including publications, digital, public, research, and educational programs, performance and live events, creative direction, international exchange and residency programs, and exhibitions.

They are invested in developing rigorous and original research around contemporary art practices, specifically in relation to transfeminist approaches to gender, sex, love, popular cultures, new media and technology, anthropology, and area studies. They have recently written essays and profiles for Dan Lie, Sandra Mujinga, WangShui, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mire Lee, Sriwhana Spong, Kang Seung Lee, Lap-See Lam, Sin Wai Kin, Guo-Liang Tan, Ming Wong, and documenta15, among others. They are currently editor of global reviews for Performance Art Museum, and are editing book projects in Singapore and Vietnam.

From 2023–2024, with Jeannine Tang, they convened two research programs on trans* and Asian/diasporic approaches to publishing, hosted by Asia Art Archive in America, and were visiting speaker and curator at Taipei Dangdai. Since 2023, they have served on the advisory committee for the research project The Flow of History: Southeast Asian Women Artists, co-organised by Asia Art Archive and AWARE. In 2024, they were part of the pre-selection committee for the Visual Sphere of Practice for Akademie Schloss Solitude, and were awarded an Individual Fellowship Grant by the Asian Cultural Council.

They have over seven years of institutional experience across curatorial, publishing, and program departments, including as C-MAP Asia Fellow for the Museum of Modern Art, New York from 2020–2023.